Aubert Business Consulting

Aubert business counsultants

The Round house ● Addlestone road ● Weybridge ● Surrey ● KT15 2RX ● United Kingdom ● +44 (0) 7976940249


Industry competitive analysis


Mid-stream textile & Steel industry sectors, Thailand


Identified the competitive aspects of the mid-stream textile and steel sector to develop an industry restructuring plan to define possible government intervention.


Specific aspects of the mid-stream textile performed poorly and the steel sector suffered from long products over-capacity, given tax concessions and subsidies to encourage investment to improve its overall competitiveness. The steel sector had to be restructured to reduce capacity and government support was offered.


A programme including tax concessions, subsidies and retraining was considered by the government to encourage investment in the mid-stream textile to improve its overall competitiveness and to restructure the steel sector.

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